Family Matters, Winter 2022 Magazine
Here we are in a new year and still in the midst of the pandemic. We were all hoping for a more positive start to 2022, but we remain optimistic that together we can see our way through.
We know two things:
- Getting vaccinated protects you from the most lethal impact of COVID19 and may save your life if you contract it
- Wearing a mask and washing hands is the best protection against breathing in any COVID19 droplets in the air
Our caregivers practice all of these steps so they can care for your loved one in their home while also keeping them safe. We maintain rigorous standards of cleanliness and hand hygiene because we know they are essential.
We will get through this pandemic. Eventually science will get ahead of it and find a way to keep us safe, just like it has with other contagious, deadly diseases in the past. In the meantime, we are here to reduce your stress with careful, compassionate, healthy care of your loved one.
The pandemic is stressful enough on its own. We can provide the care you need so you can pay attention to work and the rest of your life.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and call us if you need us, (888) 962-4836.
Download the Winter 2022 Magazine
Previous editions of the Family Matters magazine are available here.