Family Matters Blog & Press
Medicare Scam Calls: How They Work and 4 Tips to Avoid Being Scammed
Telephone call scams are not a new occurrence. Unfortunately, scammers have been using fraudulent phone calls to manipulate personal information out of people for as long as the telephone has been a common household item. Often, scammers attempt to steal…
5 Books for Caregivers of Elderly Parents
Seeing your parent age into their golden years isn’t always easy. This period of life can come with many changes, especially if your relationship with your parent is shifting to that of a caregiver. There are many benefits to caregiving…
Family Matters, Spring 2023 Magazine
As I was thinking about this letter, and all that we have been through in California over the recent months, it brought to mind the quote, “It’s always something.” Coined by the 1970’s Saturday Night Live character Roseanne Roseannadanna, (played…
3 Challenges in Providing Telehealth to Older Adults
The benefits of telehealth services extend beyond convenience, so it’s important that older adults avoid potential barriers to accessing them. It’s not enough to simply tell older adults that services are available because too many variables can interfere with their…
7 Tips for Finding In-Home Care for Elderly Loved Ones
When the time comes to begin finding in-home care for elderly family members or friends, there is much to be considered, and the process can become overwhelming without a clear plan. There are many incredible in-home caregivers, but even the…
Aging in Place Statistics: Growing Older at Home by the Numbers
What does it mean to age in place? The answer depends on who you ask. Some organizations and people might say it's growing old safely and comfortably in any home environment. Others say that it’s remaining in a person’s same…