Family Matters Blog & Press
Coping With Aging Parents: Navigating the Experience of Your Parents Getting Older
Aging is a privilege denied to many. In that spirit, watching your parents age is also a privilege, but it can be heartbreaking at times. Watching the people you once believed were invincible sources of strength become ill, feeble, or…
Staying Organized as a Caregiver: 5 Tips for Caring for Your Aging Loved One
Caregiving for an elderly loved one is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles you’ll ever fill. Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been caring for a parent or other elder for some time, you know that staying organized…
6 Tips on How to Help Your Elderly Parents & Loved Ones With Depression
Depression can affect people at any time of life. Some may be surprised to learn that depression is not uncommon in the elderly. Dealing with issues such as poor health, the loss of a partner, and social isolation increases an…
Family Matters, Fall 2024 Magazine
As one of the owners of Family Matters, I understand that navigating the healthcare system can often feel overwhelming for both seniors and their caregivers. However, this journey can become much more manageable and even empowering with the right knowledge…
Talking to Your Elderly Parent’s Doctor: 5 Tips for Successful Care Team Communication
As the child of a senior parent, you likely have some role in ensuring their medical care. Whether it’s signing paperwork or coordinating visits and treatments, you’re there. We understand that these responsibilities can be challenging and stressful, which is…
Understanding Area Agencies on Aging: A Quick Guide to AAA & AoA
The aging process brings with it many changes that older adults and their family members might not expect. Being prepared for the next steps in your life will help you protect your physical and mental health as you age. Area…