Family Matters Blog & Press
Why Do Seniors Want to Stay in Their Homes (Age in Place)?
The question “why do seniors want to stay in their homes?” can frequently be answered with a single important word: familiarity. Certain seasons of life are entirely unpredictable. Yet, they still have a way of bringing tough choices to the…
Benefits of Aquatic Aerobics & Therapy for Seniors
Falls are the main reason for injuries in older adults and rank as the second largest reason for unintentional fatal injuries. Aquatic exercise and therapy can be key to combatting these risks. It allows our loved ones to work on…
Helpful Conversation Starters for Your Elderly Loved Ones
Some people have a natural talent for conversation. They can speak with anyone about anything and keep a pleasant exchange going with seemingly no effort at all. What a gift! Unfortunately, most of us aren’t so able. Starting a conversation…
What Services Do Seniors Need Most?
Aging is both a natural and inevitable part of life. Heading into the golden years is a moment people should embrace for what it is and the potential it holds. That said, it’s also important to recognize the changes and…
What Does It Mean to Age in Place?
Life is undoubtedly a myriad of milestones. Every new season comes with challenges and choices to make. After retirement, one of the biggest questions facing many people is whether or not they are looking to age in place. The decision…
IADLs vs. ADLs: Taking a Look at Activities of Daily Living
One way that doctors measure how well a person can live on their own is to look at how they are able to perform when it comes to the instrumental activities of daily living vs. activities of daily living that…