Family Matters Blog & Press
Connect Our Elders Episode 35: COVID & Dementia (VIDEO)
Connect Our Elders: Episode 35. Dr. Diane Darby Beach, Gerontologist. Family Matters In-Home Care. Dr. Beach is a Gerontologist by training (with an emphasis in dementia care). She has a Masters Degree in Public Health and a Doctorate in…
Free Webinar: What is Normal, What is Dementia?
Join us May 25th at 10AM PT for an interactive webinar and live Q&A with Dr. Diane Darby Beach Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PST After spending more time at home with loved ones during…
How to Talk to Elderly Parents About Caregiving & Lifestyle Changes
If you're over 40 years old, you may be starting to worry about your parents' plan for their golden years. This is normal, and planning for their seniority is essential for their future wellbeing. Today, more than 30 million households…
How to Cope with your Aging Parents Who Need Help
The unforgettable opening scene in Disney’s The Lion King features a song celebrating the circle of life and the observance of a birth. The story that follows is a poignant reminder of a common aspect in the natural order of things: Children—when…
Tips for Caring for Elderly Loved Ones with Parkinson’s Disease
Life after a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis can often be difficult and uncertain. Medical science hasn’t fully explained what causes Parkinson’s disease, and we still do not have a cure. However, there are plenty of ways you can help your elderly…
How Can I Help My Elderly Parent Stay at Home?
Aging is an inevitable part of life. As parents grow older, their adult children are often faced with difficult decisions. One of the questions they’ll often ask is: “Do my parents need assisted living services or can I continue to…