Family Matters Blog & Press
How Seniors Can Protect Brain Health
Like any part of the body, the brain changes over time. Seniors can protect their brain health both physically and mentally. Since the brain wears with age, it’s normal for seniors to have small memory lapses. However, more significant brain…
Why Fighting Depression Can Improve Senior Health
For many years, depression was considered a natural part of aging. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Depression and aging do not naturally occur together. In fact, if the signs and symptoms of depression are noticed in seniors they…
A Guide to Stairlift Safety: Ensuring Your Loved Ones Can Stay Home
As our nation’s largest generation ages, more and more attention is being paid to ensuring they remain healthy and mobile. Of the top ten fears about aging in a recent study, loss of independence ranked first and not being able…
How Organization Can Make Caregiving Easier
Caregiving includes countless tasks that can range from preparing meals and housekeeping to supervising medications and attending doctor’s visits. Most caregivers of senior loved ones also hold a full-time job and care for their own families. The details involved in…
Should your parents have a geriatric care physician?
As loved ones age they may need different types of physicians to manage their care. Chronic disease requires the care of specialists that can range from cardiologists to oncologists. But what type of physician should manage a senior’s overall care?…
Caring for Mentally Alert Seniors with Physical Limitations
Being physically limited while mentally alert can be especially difficult. There are ways to cope with this situation, though. Many people feel that their brains stay young even as their bodies age. Physical challenges affecting mentally alert seniors can be…