Family Matters Blog & Press
4 Ways to Encourage Healthy Activity for Seniors
Every year, National Senior Health and Fitness Day is celebrated on the last Wednesday in May, a day when organizations around the country encourage seniors to adopt healthy habits. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the program and it’s estimated that more…
Financial Tips For Family Caregivers
According to AARP, more than 42 million American adults, mostly women, provide unpaid care to an aging parent or relative. Family caregivers often become so focused on managing their loved one’s health and financial needs that they forget to plan…
Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Older Americans (FEMA)
The likelihood that you and your family will recover from an emergency tomorrow often depends on the planning and preparation done today. While each person’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds…
4 Things You Need to Know About Health Care for Senior Women
Women in the United States live longer than men - the majority live into their 80s. Many women age well and experience good health, but it depends in large part on having the proper preventive health screenings and practicing healthy…
What is a Respite Care Plan?
While caring for an aging loved one can be a rewarding experience, it’s often also physically exhausting and emotionally draining. According to AARP, almost 40% of family caregivers report their jobs as emotionally stressful. It is important that caregivers take…
May Is National Arthritis Awareness Month
May is recognized each year as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Arthritis is a disease that impacts more than 50 million Americans, making it the number one cause of disability in the country. That means 1 in every 5 adults, 300,000…