Family Matters, Spring 2022 Magazine
Journalist Doug Larson said, “Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush”. We share his optimism. This year, spring is not only the harbinger of warmer temperatures – it symbolizes renewal and an opportunity to look at life with fresh eyes. After a long pandemic we are emerging to once again live life and enjoy each other’s company, while also carefully looking after our health.
Family Matters is ready to ensure that your loved ones can emerge safely as well. Our highly skilled caregivers are trained to help your loved one move around safely inside, enjoy fresh spring and summer foods, and ambulate safely outside to get fresh air.
Spring is a great time of year for many reasons, and we think it’s time for all of us to start whistling again – literally and figuratively speaking.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and call us if you need us, (888) 962-4836.
Download the Spring 2022 Magazine
Previous editions of the Family Matters magazine are available here.