Family Matters, Summer 2021 Magazine
At long last, California is open for business. After more than a year and a half of quarantine, isolation, and masks, we can see each other again, and experience the joy of one another’s company. It’s been a long haul for all of us. Throughout the pandemic our caregivers provided safe, appropriate care to our clients. We helped address their daily needs in their homes and reduced their isolation.
Although the pandemic was the most difficult thing any of us have been through in our lives, it also brought out our strengths. Ensuring our clients are cared for is the essence of our mission. Giving families the knowledge that their loved one is ok is what we do
Now we can all breathe a sigh of relief. We made it. We are on the other side of the pandemic. We will remain vigilant and in compliance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations so that we stay there, and we all stay healthy.
If you need help for your elderly loved one, contact us. Help is just a phone call away, (888) 962-4836.
Download the Summer 2021 Magazine
Previous editions of the Family Matters magazine are available here.