Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors & Caregivers
Spring is here! It’s time to do some spring cleaning to give your space a nice makeover. It can seem intimidating and overwhelming to start checking off your to-do list, but these tips can make it easier.
Whether you’re a senior or the caregiver of a senior loved one, you can benefit from these spring cleaning tips. Use this guide to get rid of clutter and bring your home back to a neat, tidy state.
Get Help and Divide Cleaning Responsibilities
It’s okay to seek assistance from friends and family if you can’t get everything done by yourself. In fact, this is key to preventing injuries, burnout, and exhaustion while you’re spring cleaning.
Have someone with lots of strength and physical fitness do the heavy lifting for you. This includes moving furniture, rearranging rooms, and carrying things up and down flights of stairs. You don’t want to risk injuring yourself and being forced to stop cleaning altogether.
It helps to divide spring cleaning responsibilities with other people. That way you can focus on your own tasks and feel accomplished without becoming overburdened.
Declutter Thoroughly: Keep Only Sentimental Items
You’re entitled to your favorite family heirlooms and other sentimental objects around your house. However, it’s important not to cut your decluttering short by keeping too many old or broken items around.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of saying “no” to throwing any object out when you’re spring cleaning. This makes sense — your belongings are important to you! It may help to have an accountability partner who can help you assess when the decluttering process has stalled too much.
If you don’t use an item on a regular basis and it holds no sentimental value, it’s probably best to pitch it. You can also donate high-quality items that you no longer need.
Break Your Cleaning Up Into Smaller Increments
You don’t have to get all of your spring cleaning done in one day or even one week. It’s perfectly okay to move at your own pace. It can take up to a month to spring clean an entire house, so don’t rush yourself.
Spring cleaning will likely feel more manageable if you give yourself smaller chunks of time to complete tasks. Instead of facing your whole living space at once, you can focus on certain rooms or areas one at a time.
If it’s helpful, you can set timers for 30 minutes to one hour. Once the timer goes off, you’re done cleaning that particular area or room. You may be surprised how fast spring cleaning feels when you use timers!
Never Mix Cleaning Chemicals
Every bottle of household cleaner is formulated to be safe and effective. You should never mix two cleaners together, as this can create dangerous gases. Certain chemicals can interact with one another and explode or pose threats to your airways.
Always read the instructions on the back of a cleaning bottle before you use it. Most cleaners have a safety warning that instructs you not to mix them with other formulas. Forget the “home mixtures” you’ve been taught — stick to using one cleaner at a time.
Wear Gloves Before Touching Chemicals
Wiping, scrubbing, and deep-cleaning surfaces means you’ll be directly interacting with cleaning chemicals. Always wear rubber gloves to keep chemicals away from your skin while you clean.
Some substances, like bleach, can irritate or even damage your skin barrier. This can lead to rashes, skin infections, and discomfort.
Rubber gloves also prevent you from touching dirt and grime, which can hold bacteria. Protect your skin and your health by wearing a pair of inexpensive rubber dish gloves.
Declutter Your Medications Too
Don’t forget about your medicine cabinet! Many people overlook this step of spring cleaning, but it’s important to get rid of expired and old medications. This lowers your risk of accidentally taking the wrong prescription.
Some local fire stations host medication disposal events, so make sure you check out your community’s options. These events offer a safe way to get rid of expired pills without putting other people in danger.
Never throw out important prescriptions that you still take. Always consult your physician before you stop taking any currently prescribed medications. Suddenly stopping certain medications can be dangerous to your health or even put your life at risk.
Get a Head Start on Spring Cleaning This Year
Don’t put off your spring cleaning until the last minute. As long as you work at your own pace and start early enough, you’ll get everything done in time. That way you can enjoy a clean space that’s free of clutter. Your mental and physical health will thank you for it!
If you or your family member is considering in-home care as part of a plan to age in place, contact Family Matters In-Home Care today for a free consultation. Our team is dedicated to supporting your family and helping older adults enjoy life in the comfort of their own home for as long as possible.
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