Family Matters Blog & Press
What Organizations Help the Elderly?
Aging is a natural process. However, it’s a season of life that comes with many questions, too. It’s not uncommon for seniors to realize they could use assistance along the way, whether it’s deciding where they want to live, how…
A Room-By-Room Guide to Age in Place
These days, modern medicine and technology help people live longer and healthier lives. However, as we age, it’s still normal to need further assistance. While there are so many assisted living communities, many seniors prefer to age in place. This…
Free Webinar: Caregiving During The Holiday Season
Join us Friday, December 3rd as Family Matters Gerontologist, Dr. Diane Darby Beach, discusses how a caregiver can help cope with the challenges the holidays present. Date: Friday, December 3rd, 2021Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PST The holidays are…
Nutrition and Aging: The Growing Eating Challenges As We Grow Older
Whether it’s to stay healthy, in social gatherings with friends, or as an expression of our creativity, food is central to our days and happiness. Most people have food-related stories around their social events or holidays. However, as we age,…
What Qualities Should You Look For in an In-Home Caregiver?
There may come a time when your elderly loved one needs extra help at home. It might be something as simple as house cleaning or a ride to a doctor's appointment. And then, some elderly adults need ongoing, regular care.…
7 Senior-Friendly Thanksgiving Activities for Elderly Loved Ones
Thanksgiving is a special time to spend with grandparents and other elderly relatives you don’t often get to see, and it’s a chance to strengthen bonds and make memories. Given the rush and busyness of everyday life, it’s sometimes hard…