Family Matters Blog & Press
How Caregivers Can Increase Driving Safety for Older Adults
Given 18% of all traffic fatalities are people who are 65 years of age or older, it is important to learn about senior safety on the road. Changes Influencing Seniors on the Road Given how experienced most of them are…
Why Screening for Prostate Cancer is Vital
The obvious reason for screening older men for cancer is that early detection increases the odds of survival. There are other reasons for getting screened, though: Men with prostate cancer may have genes that predispose both their sons and daughters…
5 Common Barriers to Aging in Place
A critical and oft-desired component of “successful” aging, or aging gracefully, is maintaining independence. The mental benefit alone of remaining independent is proven to be enormously effective in helping seniors more fully enjoy and even extend their golden years. One…
Making Thanksgiving Enjoyable for Senior Loved Ones
Depression is common during the holiday season, especially among seniors. Feeling sad and alone isn’t good for seniors’ health. When you brighten the holidays for seniors, you may be increasing their lifespan and improving their quality of life. How to…
The Three Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease from Alzheimer’s Association
November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. In 1983, when former President Ronald Reagan designated November as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, fewer than 2 million Americans had Alzheimer’s. Today, that number has climbed to nearly 5.4 million. Understand the…
9 Stimulating Hobbies for Seniors with Limited Mobility
Aging is one of those inevitable chapters in life that brings new challenges, opportunities, and experiences. Some of these are exciting and enriching while others we could do without. Perhaps the least anticipated is the loss of mobility due to…