Family Matters Blog & Press
Light Summer Snacks for Seniors with 100 Calories or Less
The heat and humidity of summer can reduce the appetite and make it difficult to get essential nutrients. When seniors don’t eat or drink properly, they run the risk of becoming malnourished or dehydrated. Finding foods that are delicious, nutritious…
Family Matters, Summer 2019 Magazine
Alzheimer’s disease affects 5.8 million Americans. Every 65 seconds, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with the disease. Family and friends - more than 16 million of them - provide more than 18.5 million hours of unpaid care to those…
What Does Modifying Your Home Cost to Keep Your Senior at Home?
Keeping an aging adult at home is important to maintain independence, but their home may need to be modified in various ways in order for them to stay at home. Keeping your aging parent or grandparent at home is important…
7 Good Habits for Maintaining a Healthy Back (& Preventing Back Pain)
Back pain affects nearly every American. It’s estimated that 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. In addition, low back pain costs Americans at least $50 billion in healthcare costs each year.…
Benefits of Pet Interaction for Seniors
Age infers many benefits, among them an incredible knowledge base, mastery of lifelong skills, and a certain wisdom and perspective lacking in youth. Despite all that senior citizens have to offer, though, this group is often marginalized. When seniors lose…
Alzheimer’s Disease & Jumbled Language: Communicating with Aphasia
As Alzheimer’s disease progresses it can impact language. For some, the disease robs the ability to articulate needs and hold conversations. For others, it creates aphasia, a disorder that affects language functions and can cause words to become jumbled. It…