Family Matters Blog & Press
The Facts About Pneumonia: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment
Pneumonia is an infection that can pose very dangerous risks to seniors. Some milder forms can be treated successfully at home. However, more serious strains of pneumonia require hospitalization and may be fatal for those who are already compromised by…
The Health Risks of Obesity in Seniors
America is suffering an obesity epidemic that continues to worsen each year. We often hear about the growing problem among adults and even children, but what about obesity in the senior population? In the past, seniors were at risk of…
Aging in Place Technology: 8 Gadgets Helping Aid Elderly Loved Ones
Aging in Place is the ability to live in one's own home for as long, as confidently and comfortably possible. Livability can be extended through the incorporation of universal design principles, telehealth, mhealth and other assistive technologies. Below are eight…
How to Keep Seniors Healthy Through Handwashing
Handwashing is the number one way to stop the spread of disease and infection. It may seem too simple to be true but the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that the simple act of handwashing is the most effective…
10 Useful Smartphone Apps for Seniors Aging in Place
Today, about half of adults over age 65 own a smartphone, and that number continues to rise each year. There are many applications available that can help make daily life easier and more interesting for older adults. Even apps designed…
Christmas the most isolating time of year for people living with dementia
New research from Alzheimer’s UK has shown that over half of people affected by dementia find Christmas the most isolating time of the year. While most of us excitedly begin our Christmas countdown sadly for people living with dementia this…